Monday, July 18, 2011

Beach Time!

It's not that I want to be a show off or anything like that, but I felt the urge to show how beautiful a day at the beach can be. A few of months a go I went for a couple of days to Mazatlan with the family. I got to say that it was one of the best trips I've made to the beach. I got to experienced the day and night life of this city.

Everywhere you go at night, there is music playing. From mariachi, pop, R&B to techno. People are out of their hotel rooms in their best night outfits cruising the streets around 'Zona Dorada,' and looking for a good place to have some fun with friends and family until late into the night.

Early in the morning people are already out and ready to begin another day. Taxis are driving down the streets slowly, waiting for a client to ask for their service. Tourist are walking down 'Camaron Sabalo' and 'De Mar' looking for a good restaurant to have breakfast.

Mazatlan may not stand up as a beautiful beach when a tourist is looking through a brochure with beaches such as: Puerto Vallarta, Cancun, Acapulco, Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, and Cabo San Lucas; but one thing is for sure. However you decide to spent your time at any of these beaches is what makes the place valuable and beautiful.

My dad is one of those guys who does not like getting near the water because he thinks that a shark will attack him. He has a phobia for sharks, but I don't blame him. I just want to say: STOP watching shark movies and Shark Week on the Discovery Channel! Here he is, enjoying a warm morning with of course, his cup of coffee.

Out of the two days I spent in Mazatlan I only took pictures on the last day. I got into the beach mood and just spent my time with my family around the city. Truthfully, I simply enjoyed my time there.

One of the best parts of this trip was seeing all the tourist walking down the beaches. It shows that even though the violence among drug cartels has been growing a lot in the last years it does not stop travelers from visiting the unique landscapes of my beloved, Mexico.

Before I left Mazatlan I had to show my appreciation for two amazing days with the family. I showed some love to Mazatlan, but quickly before the wave came in and vanished my artwork.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

"Keep Tahoe Blue!"

Hace unas semanitas me fui con mi familia a Lake Tahoe. Tenia muchisimo que no iba para ese rumbo. Como tres años para ser mas o menos exacta. Pero la diferencia de este viaje a Lake Tahoe esque fue la primera vez que fui durante el mes de Junio. Siempre que he ido para alla a sido en Marzo o Abril. Pero me encanto a ver ido el mes pasado.

El camino a Lake Tahoe en esta calida temporada es espectacular! El rio que corre a lado de la carretera esta descogenlado. Nunca me habia tocado ver el rio asi. Ufff no se digan las cabañas que se encuentran a la orrila del rio. La verdad esque se antoja vivir alli y cada mañana despertar con el canto de los pajaros, el ruido de la corriente del rio, y la luz del sol brillando por las ventanas.

Aunque ya es verano las montañas todabia tenian nieve. Lo que hizo el viaje aun mas bello. A medio camino a nuestra destinacion nos paramos para admirar el paisaje...

(yo y mi hermanita)

Emerald Bay en Lake Tahoe....

(Fannette Island)

Entre California y Nevada hay muchos paisajes y ciudades bellas, pero unas de mis favoritas tiene que ser South Lake Tahoe, CA. Esta chica ciudad tiene de todo. Pero no se diga del lago, es una maravilla. 

La verdad, espero muy pronto volver a Lake Tahoe pronto. Pero esta vez durante invierno. Me encanta despertar, salir y ver la calles blancas, llenas de nieve y las ventanas hasta el tope de nieve por afuera.